According to our manager´s request, I inform the following:
The San Carlos reed mill possesses 6 Chemical Cultivation units of 20 knapsacks each one, which arrived to San Carlos in the following dates:
3 equipments in December 20, 1972
1 equipment in October 24, 1974
2 equipments in May 16, 1977
With those 6 units we esrimate to have under control this year the overgrowth of 16.000 hectares with two applications. At the moment we work with 4 equipments and a control has been achieved on 12.500 hectares.
These equipments began their work in 1973, and the results
could be appreciated in the harvest of 1974. For better
information I indicate them the production for hectare
obtained in the harvests of 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1977:
1973: 70.78 CMT/hectare
1974: 83.23 CMT/hectare
1975: 89.52 CMT/hectare
1976: 89.42 CMT/hectare
1977: 89.08 CMT/hectare
As you will be able to appreciate, the increment in production is remarkable, considering that the influence of the control of overgrowths using these equipments can be evaluated in 50% of that increase.
About the operation costs, if we compare the yield of a man applying herbicides with the lever knapsack, and that same journeyman doing the work with the Chemical Cultivation knapsack, we have a yield of 1.0 to 1.25 hectares in 9 effective hours of work in the first case. On the other hand, in the second case the yield reaches 2.0 to 2.2 hectares in the same work time, being equal the values of the journeymen, all this as a result of the physical exhaustion caused with the lever knapsack, which is not present with the Chemical Cultivation sprayer, therefore the costs for hectare are smaller.
Finally, when referring to the quality of the equipments, I will say that they are excellent, easy to repair, and that in the three opportunities when have acquired them, important modifications have been noticed in their design that facilitate the work, increasing the yield.
With no further subject, I stay yours.
(The field intendant)"